Musqueam Teaching Kit—Teacher Resource
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Musqueam: giving information about our teachings
Lesson: Writing the Land
Lessons from the Musqueam Teaching Kit use the Teacher’s Resource PDF (available in French and English) and Teaching Kit website. The kit is written from the perspective of the community and provides an opportunity for students to learn about the land on which most of Vancouver, including the Museum of Anthropology, is situated. Learning about Musqueam directly from Musqueam community members is extremely important. Today, we continue to learn as our ancestors did, from experiences and stories.
This film features one of our respected elders, sʔəyəɬəq—Larry Grant, speaking about his own relationship to the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ language, the language of this land.
Big Ideas
Our hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ language is incredibly important to our culture and our community members. Language shapes and describes our experiences.
Students will learn that we are working to revitalize our hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ language. Students will understand that language is an important way to connect to our culture and personal histories.
- Writing the Land documentary
- Larry Grant biography, Teacher’s Resource PDF, p. 94
sʔəyəɬəq—Larry Grant is an elder in our community. We respect and honour all of our elders and the knowledge that they have to share. sʔəyəɬəq—Larry Grant has worked to retain our community’s history through his own work and through his role in the Language and Culture Department. As a class, research sʔəyəɬəq—Larry Grant and discuss how he has contributed to our community and the revitalization of our language.
Reach out to the Musqueam Cultural Education Resource Centre to see if sʔəyəɬəq—Larry Grant or another Musqueam community member is available to speak to your students.
Suggestions For Starting a Discussion
- What do you think the title “Writing the Land” means?
- What do you know of your grandparents’ native language(s)?
- Why do you think the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ language is endangered?
- What does it mean to be a knowledge holder within a community?
- Community Voices Video: ʔəyəɬəq—Larry Grant talks about belongings (see Teacher’s Resource PDF, p. 102)
- Vanessa Campbell Community Profile
- hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ Alphabet, (see Teacher’s Resource PDF, p. 42)
- Musqueam website